Don't burn the flag. Wash it!
This is the new blog...CONFESSION ZERO
“Chink, cracker, nigger, jewgook, polak, spic `n raghead”, tooYou speak ever so beautifullyof this, our world’s humanityOh! Your freedom of speechlooks so damn good on youThe color of a true patriotA real paragon of rhetoricRant for red white `n bluescreech your racist sentimentsspit your imperialistic intentsing it loud you miscreantWarble and shriek o’er the seasexcusing all American atrocitiesCroon you damn loose-lipped slutCroon, rigor mortis bitch of rantGo on lift lightless, lifeless odiumin completed worship of selfcleave thou freedom-less screechingthus ending your rhetorical butchery