This is the new blog...CONFESSION ZERO


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Walking into the canyon of the sun
Past the wood where the moon slumbers
Where the rain nymph awaits its love
And night’s eyes blink in the scrub
And wolves provoke the soldier’s trail
Enter a world gone mad

Children are playing children’s games
Cavorting in the tank-filled streets
Alerting the smooth bored cannons
Of their intentions, lobbing rocks
Clanking against a sixty ton shell
Bouncing to the dry soil

The blameless children are committed
At playing out their brazen game
Bulldozed homes won’t their sport stem
They're busy surviving
Guns to their chest will not deter them
Nor tactless death

They’ve beasts to slay, rocks to throw
And a people to rise against metal
Blood’s been shed, they are young
Since they can remember they’ve played
The futile game of `Rock Paper Scissors’
They know rock beats paper

Rocks hit the side of the crawling beast
It stops and turns its cyclopean cannon
The vile monster lurches forward
And stares into the eyes of its enemy
Boys armed with limitless rocks
And fire in the belly

Walking in the canyon of the sun
Past the wood where the moon slumbers
Where the rain nymph awaits its love
And night’s eyes blink in the scrub
And wolves provoke the soldiers trail
Enter a world gone mad


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the awe inspiring pictures.

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