This is the new blog...CONFESSION ZERO


Why do we stay there in the desert?
Why do we not escape her sands?
Dried hair and dried blood,
And the residue of vengeance
Is all that stands.
We’ve done enough now.

Sky’s tumbling rusts our guns.
Spirits stare in our white faces,
Scowling of our reproach
Holding deep in detonation
For their wood wrapped children,
For their skidding soil and hearts,
For their God to come professing,
Slinging fury’s blade nearer thee.

Why do we pause now on the stench
And in the crippled-sketch of tyranny?
Blown-bone and melted flesh and God?
All the world awaits our march. Hasten!
Shift outward! Move onward now!

Bring them our shameless sons,
Bomb-Fasten our wretched daughters
To whore over kingdoms!
Hang God `round our sad necks
And bestow upon them his wrath!
Why do we wait? Why stand still,
Frozen in the vision of assassin?
For the love of God march ever onward!
There’s more blood to spill!

Copyright © 2006 mrp
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