Hemorrhaging louder than God
through the garnet of our daggers ignoble wound
Our precious hearts curbed of their rigor
through the hoary living few on the sap of luxury
Cutoff from the sustaining flow our warrior spirit wanes.
Hegemony’s liquid and lustful vigor
no more than a wink coursing beneath the West.
Great nations have indeed fallen
before this; our childish pretense of warring soil
Slipped of its red-reason
hunched down `round the ramparts machinations.
How pitiful is our easy slumber
in the shape of our brave blades restless dreaming.
How cheerless is our meaty animal
treading so easily to butcher unaware its defeat.
Forever this long faced dreadful pace
before the eternal casement's head-bowed cleaving,
Hemorrhaging louder than God.
Copyright © 2006 mrp / thepoetryman