This is the new blog...CONFESSION ZERO



We are warned by the fixed pulse of the din
Booming above the famished howl of the wind.

Our wounds seem to crest with each new sun
The bridled sting of truth too great to mount.

Our toppling has begun,
Our marriage with war,
Our alliance
With oil-drumming terror.

With a rat-a-tat-tat
Boom, boom, tum!
Rat-a-tat! Rat-a-tat!
Boom that drum!

The leaf wafts to this; our solemn ground;
The tree might know its time’s come `round
Yet sees, hears not our noisy murder,
Bleeds sap, cries not for our failure.

We are warned by the fixed pulse of our war
Booming aloft the famished howl of blunder
In our oil-drumming terror

With a rat-a-tat-tat!
Boom, boom, tum!
Boom that drum!

Copyright 2006 mrp / thepoetryman

Again thank Ashraf for the link!

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