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You Shall not Kill Yourself Suicide Bomber by M. Shahin


I'd like to introduce you to M. Shahin. A poet with a blog. (Imagine that.) Her words struck me, especially the featured poem here. There is a rawness that tumbles out of her words and scrapes against the skin...


You Shall not Kill Yourself Suicide Bomber by M. Shahin

“And do not kill yourselves;
for God has been merciful to you.” – Quran (4:29)

You shall not kill yourself suicide bomber.
I know of the days that return again
when it all should end
and of the wounds that are tended with sharpened knives.
I know sometimes from numbness the knives turn to spoons
because of the emptiness never redeemed.

You shall not kill yourself suicide bomber.
I know of the hurt that punctures again
from the indifferent bullets that never end
and every death is replayed again with a sharper knife.
The knife wasn't given a choice when it became a spoon
to dig the grave of your mother, never redeemed.

You shall not kill yourself suicide bomber.
I know the bullet that took your sister, will come again
to take one more till there is no end
but how can you stop it with another knife
just to force another to dig with a spoon.
Another death will not make your father's death redeemed.

You shall not kill yourself suicide bomber.
I know of the once quiet pond that never flowed again.
Instead it joined the movement of hurt, now a raging river that doesn't end
and there are not enough knives
to stop the pain and not enough spoons
to dig the graves of those never redeemed.

You shall not kill yourself suicide bomber.
I know of the hope that separates from you again
till what is left is despair that doesn't end
and the only answer that succumbs is the same knife.
There is only desperation and doubt left in spoons
and as the world turns away, there is nothing redeemed.

You shall not kill yourself suicide bomber.
I know that you seek only one way to peace again
and then your pain will forever end.
Then you won't have to bear the injustice of so many knives
and you won't have to remember all the spoons
and all the deaths that were never redeemed.

I tell you this because I too was a suicide bomber.
There will never be peace for me again.
For the innocent lives I took are going to be redeemed.

Copyright © 2006 / M. Shahin

Please visit Gently into the Night and tell M. Shahin how much you appreciate her words.

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