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Michael J. Fox Fires Back at Critics

Oct. 29, 2006 — Actor Michael J. Fox jokes that he may be short in stature, but he's still enough of a "big boy" to withstand criticism over his backing of embryonic stem cell research — including comments by radio personality Rush Limbaugh initially questioning whether Fox may have exaggerated Parkinson's disease tremors in a televised
political ad.
(My video take on the Michael J Fox interview...4min 18sec)

O! Michael! You beautiful souled creature,
Over the lurching stamp of cruelty,
Over the pilfering noise of man,
Over the stifling animosity...
You rise.

Open under the fiery breath of daybreak
Carrying joy upon a bent and mournful earth,
Your eyes fixed on hope, your mind quick,
Above the voices of challenging optimism…
You rise.

Hope, dignity; You’re unshaken in darkness,
Undaunted within this; our churning swill.
You're fixed on the light breathing in your bones,
Winking wide the hypocrisy of tyrants…
You rise.

Wavering not, you stand against the gray sun
While dried ideas look upon you frowning,
Calling to your body and mind to fall away,
Yet your laughter stuns the air with reverie...
And you rise.

O! Would that the world had your strength,
Had your gracious spirit and unshakable will!
Would that it were so, that we might imagine
A benevolent world, a humanity eager of love...
That we too might rise!

Copyright © 2006 mrp / thepoetryman

This Week with Michael J. Fox

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