This is the new blog...CONFESSION ZERO


(Lost Face by Ben heine - Cartoons)

KURTZ: The conventional wisdom is that American troops resent the media's coverage of this war as too negative. But there's a Zogby poll of U.S. forces that say 72 percent think they should leave within the year. What did you find, when you were in Iraq, military people saying about the mission and the media?..

KURTZ: …And did they think the coverage, generally, on balance, was fair or unfair?

ROBERTS: They didn't seem to have too many complaints about the coverage. They appreciated the fact that we were there and anytime you're embedded with U.S. forces, you're going to see the bad along with the good. They were always trying to put a positive spin on things, from a command level — taking us to certain areas to show us certain things they thought would play well. But by and large, I didn't hear any complaints
about the coverage.


The claws of the monster
Thrust into all certainty,
Pushing existence down,
It ogles innocent eyes
And honest hearts
Eager to shatter their spirit.

O! Conventional wisdom!
Why must you shirk the truth
In rousing madness from its cave?
She’s as an inferno, is Iraq,
Burning in a distorted world
No one will need her when we’ve finished!

(O! Madness! We’ll not know where you have gone!)

Soon after you’ve creased her dreams
And she sees what the lens didn’t show
You’re treachery will shudder
Giving you cause to slither away and lie dormant.

Silent awhile, you'll soon crawl up again
And blast into our breathing homes...
Only this time, we’ll know.

Copyright © 2006 mrp / thepoetryman

C&L’s Chaos in Iraq
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