This is the new blog...CONFESSION ZERO


Oh! America!
It is time to genuflect
To bow our bloodied head
at the altar of Bush Inc.
To lord George who loves us
and has unchained us
from our decadent ways
by his ineptitude and greed
and has made our land to be
an abhorrent unGODly kingdom
We, unholy priests, serve him
at his intoxicating throne
To him be the glory
the creator of all this
and the power to sustain it
for ever and ever...

For he is coming!
Staggering and snorting
atop the sinister clouds
Every eye now upon him
e'en those upon and under
the putrid infested water
enduring the sharqi and shamal
and those `neath the dry Arab sands
and all the peoples of the earth
shriek and moan because of him
So shall it be

How can we justify in effect canceling the 1st Amendment and the right of free speech, the right to peaceably assemble?

How can we justify in effect canceling the 4th Amendment, probable cause, the prohibitions against unreasonable search and seizure?

How can we justify in effect canceling the 5th Amendment, nullifying due process, and allowing for indefinite incarceration without a trial?

How can we justify in effect canceling the 6th Amendment, the right to prompt and public trial?

How can we justify in effect canceling the 8th Amendment, which protects against cruel and unusual punishment?

Find outLAW

America, America.

Let us pray for our country.

Let us love our country.

Let us defend our country not only from the threats without but from the threats within.

Crown thy good, America.

Crown thy good with brotherhood, and sisterhood.

And crown thy good with compassion and restraint and forbearance and a commitment to peace, to democracy, to economic justice here at home and throughout the world.

Crown thy good, America. Crown thy good, America. Crown thy good

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