This is the new blog...CONFESSION ZERO


Cheney: "It's going to be a battle that will last for a very long time. It is absolutely essential that we stay the course."

These words glow dimly, palely, slowly
Upon this; our sweltering sphere,
In their imposing haste
They scurry near
Our worship.

The words descend too easily upon us
Baptizing our sodden counterfeit,
Whose dark black throat warbles
Puffed in contempt;
Our warring.

Conflicted of their malignant meaning
We, the congregation, bow down
And return again to madness;
Our fixed arrogance,
Our waste.

The discourse of our grand reprisal
Has yet to find its untidy rest
Within the bellicose shores.
"Long way from over",
Its refrain.

Forebodingly we examine the hours
Of our vast encounter with death
And attend to the war cries
Of "stay the course"
Enduring lies.

O! Die away this your everlasting babble!
We’ve enough of your squalling!
It is not time to endure madness,
It is time to abscond,
Enter freedom!

These words glow dimly, palely, slowly
Upon this; our sweltering sphere,
In their imposing haste
They scurry near
Our worship.

Copyright © 2006 mrp

Cheney's enduring speech

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