This is the new blog...CONFESSION ZERO



I'd like to welcome you to Richard's world- Glais, Swansea, United Kingdom. Rhossili Down. The poem by Richard that follows struck a chord with me. I think it may have been the openess with which the lines soar forth. It might be the fact that Richard is from a place I'd never heard of...or maybe it is the connection through his words that made me feel as if I had been there all my life. It's more than that actually... His words, while giving me a virtual tour of his land, echoed many of my own thoughts about this world, about the freedom of humankind (and with it the oppression, the wars, the fallability)... So please make Richard feel welcome in the virtual world of "A Poetic Justice"...


The modern Icarus
Lacks the technology
To fly too near the sun.
His imagination
Is horizontal,
Beneath stiff wings
He launches out
Into the blue of the bay
And looks down
On the inconsequential dots
Lost on the expanse of sand below.

But his freedom
Is an illusion.
He lifts and soars only
Where the wind wills.

Walkers pass him by
As he limps along the beach
Trailing his clumsy apparatus behind him,
Like a bedraggled swan
Trailing a broken wing.
They sympathise
With his predicament
And carry on,
Talking about wings
They'll never try.

Copyright © 2006 Richard / A Fistful of Poetry

A Fistful of Poetry... Stop by and thank Richard for his words...

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